商品名 | Bark and Slumber Luna Linen Cream Medium Plush Round Cloud Dog Bed |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | PREMIUM DOG BEDS: Designed to contour to pups who like to curl up, this cloud is the perfect cuddler. The soft sleep surfaces made of durable, high-quality fabrics are gentle to the touch and surround fluffy polyfill bolsters to provide ample head support and comfort. DURABLE YET SOFT: The 100% polyester cover is soft and gente to the touch. The pet beds cover is removable and machine washable. PRODUCT DETAILS: Total Dimensions: 26 x 26 x 6.5 inches, Sleep Surface Dimensions: 24 x 24 x 6.5 inches. This pet bed is perfect for dogs weighing up to 35 pounds. This bed comes with 1?compressed insert, 2 compressed bolsters and 1 pet bed cover, featuring an extra-long zipper for trouble-free assembly. Once the polyfill inserts are zipped inside the cover, just fluff and enjoy! WORRY FREE: The polyfill insert is 100% polyester fill made from recycled plastic bottles, stopping them from entering landfills. The dog beds insert is equipped with a full-coverage inner liner to help protect the filling from accidents. BEAUTIFUL PET BED COMPLEMENTS ANY HOME DECOR: Bark & Slumber pet beds are available in a variety of bed styles and come in multiple sizes and patterns to coordinate with your decor. Designed to contour to pups who like to curl up, this cloud is the perfect cuddler. The soft sleep surfaces made of durable, high-quality fabrics are gentle to the touch and surround fluffy polyfill bolsters to provide ample head support and comfort. The 100% polyester removable cover is machine washable and features an extra-long zipper for easy removal of the polyfill insert. Total Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 7 inches, Sleep Surface Dimensions: 28 x 28 inches The recycled polyfill insert is equipped with a full-coverage inner liner to help protect the filling from accidents. Bark & Slumber pet beds are available in a variety of bed styles and come in multiple sizes and patterns to coordinate with your decor. |
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